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Why Bata Ngoma and Not Jimmy Choo's Or Jordan's Lord?

Case Scenario, Imagine David, a man after God's own heart having a conversation like this with God:

"Lord, I don't think this string and stone can kill Goliath!"

God, "why?"

David, "I feel like it's just too small and it makes me look foolish, why don't you give me a sword instead?"

Think about this conversation for a moment...

As I walked down the road this morning, I saw a young man come from behind me which was so sudden, i could have swore, i almost ran off. And as he walked behind me, my mind was busy reminiscing on how ragged this young man looked. Almost immediately, as if he read my thoughts, he by passed me and started running. What caught my eye was the manner by which he ran - His feet stamped the ground in such a firm, quick and fierce manner, which for his height, was unbelievably fast! Short people chronicles. Interestingly, I asked the spirit of God, "Lord, do you think if I started running I can also run like that?" Even I laughed at my inaneness because honestly, I'm just one of those people who if running was compulsory in this country, I'd probably have to enrol for classes and repeat every classs at least twice!

Later in the day, i took my break off work and of course went to meet my friends in high places. And as i worshipped, Worthy is the lamb, seated on the thr... before i could finish that note in all its glory, I heard a voice say SSSSHHH Be Still!! And i almost had an African moment of being dramatic, but thank you Jesus for your cross. The spirit of the Lord then prodded me of that particular question i had asked him earlier on. And Boom, a book just banged and in that stillness began a conversation with An Angel of the Lord: its like I had opened a box full of all the aromatic candy powdered in some luscious toppings of caramel - Revelation is Sweet!! Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; But happy is he who keeps the law.

The Angel i met today was a teacher! Oh! side note, the moment i became still i opened my eyes and tell you the truth 3 doves stood right there on the rails! Now they may or may not be angels of the Lord but it still excites me. What's more is as long as i listened to the angel not making a sound they stayed, One would fly away and come back still remaining 3. God does speak through birds sometimes.

Before i go back to my story, i want you to think of this, "Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing" Genesis 12: 1& 2

What did Abram do? He got up and left not knowing where he was going all he knew was, i heard the voice of God.

You know what's common between you and Abram? God's word over your life.

Then the Angel of the Lord asked me a question, if you woke up one morning and God says, I don't want you to apply Nutella on your bread anymore, i want you to either use butter or nothing at all! Pause, any nutella fans in the house? a moment of silence please, what would you?" Before obeying you'd probably ask questions like why? And then worst case scenario, you would go on and ask something like, "but Lord, why do you let my neighbour use nutella? If Moses stood and asked God,

Remember the conversation Up there of David with God? Do you think David would have defeated Goliath if he had stood and started debating with God? NO. How do you expect to walk in the power of God when you are busy with your notebook and pen crossing out what God has given you, Peeping at your neighbours house and then comparing their type of dishes to yours before going to God to say, Lord i want those kind of dishes also!! Let me help you today.

David defeated Goliath because he understood that when God spoke his purpose was activated and that simply meant the way he would swing this string and stone is not the same way his neighbour swings it. And the promise of his reward was sure. God took what David knew how to use, activated it and made it Extraordinary! As long as you sit down and want to run like someone else you will never run, And that Magic in your wand will never sparkle! You will just be a noisemaker, drowning in your own noise!!

Listen, you will only be victorious when you stop asking for Jordan's and embrace your Bata Ngoma's in your possession why? God is not a mad God, he knows if you wear your Bata ngoma's proudly, you will run faster, you will overcome the philistines!! If he gives you those jimmy choo's you are crying for at that time you will break your leg or worse you will not be able to walk!! Discern your season! Before you dine with the King, you have to be cultured and taught a few things like how to eat, the kind of make up to wear and so on, Esther is a good study.

Proverbs 18:16 "A man’s gift opens doors for him, and brings him before great men" How will it make room for you if you are busy telling God, No Lord not this one, give me that other one: you know the one you gave my neighbour across the street? yeah thats the one. You want to cook ugali but you have refused to put water first!

As long as you are not wearing your shoes, Goliath will defeat you, and will probably call some friends so they have a good laugh. But who do you have to blame?

Then came these last words, "To unlock your season of Jordan's Wear your shoes for this particular season"

Stop asking why Bata ngoma's Lord and WEAR YOUR SHOES PROUDLY in that you will understand WHY!!


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