He isn’t going to scream, yell and demand that you pay attention. He is always speaking to you, but He speaks in “a still small voice”
Just the other day, i'm walking to the stage to board a matatu home and in this particular matatu were rowdy middle aged group of millenials. From the look of things, i was a bit sceptical whether or not to board the matatu unfortunately, it was the only Matatu available at the time. With my foot on the matatu rail and the question of where to sit in mind, the Spirit of God shows me a seat that i thought was genius especially with all the chattering birds behind me. Can i just say I'm so exultant the world cup season is over, finally I can have some quiet, nothing against y'all football fans - Halleluyah!
With my earphones on and the song "Lord you have my heart - Lenny leBlanc playing, I just kept smiling at the goodness of the Lord - there's nothing incredible as being lost in the supernatural. Try it sometime.
Immediately comes a massive human being who decides to take a seat next to me, which ofcourse i smile and keep on with my meditation. So, what happens next is i had to unplug my earphones to listen to this guy why? Because he insisted on talking to me about money and why exactly i was leaving church that late plus he just couldn't stop talking which means i kept playing 'the remove my earphones every second ' game.
So, here i am in a matatu next to a talkative passenger and behind us are some teenagers high on everything other than jesus, refusing to pay bus fare, exchanging words with a frustrated tout, which now has agitated passengers rebuking the group of millenials and a driver who has decided to park the car in the middle of the highway until bus fare is paid. My ear drums are still working- Praise his name!
The Holy Spirit reminded of this ordeal yesterday and this is what he told me, ''Do you know sometimes you sound like the rowdyness in that matatu to my ears?" Aha... You Too..You know you do!! Picture this, you have a rash on your skin and the Doctor asks, "When did this rash appear?" so you begin your chapter one of my grandmother's mother use to have this rash and then my father's brother....
The doctor will most likely sit there and listen to you blabber, slap you probably ten times in his head and when you are done high chances are, he will not explain anything to you but prescribe a balm and thank you for showing up because he doesn't want to hear another essay!
1 Kings 19:11- 12 Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; 12 and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire [a]a still small voice. So it was, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. Suddenly a voice came to him, and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
Great conversations and Great revelations are birthed out of GREAT listening, obedience and stillness. It takes great Humility to listen and thats why Matthew 18 urges us to be like children not all knowing but of a humble spirit. Most times God is speaking but your loudness won't allow you to hear him. Do you know most of your prayers he has already answered but the problem is you are busy writing your demand list you haven't taken time to ask Him, Lord, can i see your list instead? Realize i am not talking about hearing the voice of God but listening to the voice of God.
You know that someone’s voice isn’t reaching past your ears and entering into your heart the moment you realize that you don’t understand what they said.Most often you hear to reply but listen to understand. Listening is an attitude of the heart it's an art that requires attention over talent, spirit over Ego and others over self. Most of you can hear but very few, can listen!
Make Room For His Voice!!
Some of you, You cannot simply put your phone down to have a conversation with the Holy Spirit, you had rather snap and tweet all day, you have a bible app, that you update everyday but you have no time to read. Others are waiting to be sent like Moses to part the Red Sea yet when he says fast for your neighbor, you rebuke him and call the devil a liar!! You are the liar my friend. And then we have the bunch of noise makers, all you do is tell God, i want, i need, i can't, this one did this to me, bleh bleh bleh bleh, If God played your prayers, i bet they sound worse than those mixtapes in matatu's that reintroduce the Dj fifty times every 20 minutes.
Humility to listen will birth great miracles in your life but most importantly, it will help you grow in the voice of God. Reminds me of what Apostle Patrick says, God is as big as the revelation you have.
You want to experience God's voice in a greater way? Let me tell you a little tiny secret, And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire [a]a still small voice - You hear Him when your heart and mind become still, Choose to get quiet.
Elijah was able to discern God's voice because he had made a habit of listening!
Yes, God can speak anywhere, but to hear Him best, get in a location where the messages around you are still —your own closet, turn down your Tv or any distractions, throw away your list of requests, come to him like a child full of humility and brokenness: A broken and a contrite heart he will not despise, ask David - a man after God's own heart, a king, yet he danced without a care in the world of who was looking, but you a mere person will not seek God to just have a conversation with him, you had rather watch that movie that is just too demonic or chat that friend that is not getting you anywhere.. unless he is releasing Gold, you will not seek his face!
A great woman, Prophetess Esh told me something profound yesterday, she said, "God has to be able to trust us with his Glory first before he can give you great treasures!"
Can God TRUST you to hear his voice for that passenger sitted next to you looking all glam but is in desperate need of a word of hope from the lord or can he trust you to hear only what concerns you?
Until it's no longer about you, there are things God will never reveal to you, and there are levels of his voice you will never hear!! The greatest gifts from God are not for you, they are for other people the Lord will lead you to!
My sheep hear my voice, and i know them and they follow me. How well do you know your master's voice? Maybe that problem you are in is an issue of Listening!! Just Ssssssh... and Listen!
Psalm 29:3-9
The voice of the LORD is upon the waters; The God of glory thunders, The LORD is over many waters. The voice of the LORD is powerful, The voice of the LORD is majestic. The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars; Yes, the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, And Sirion like a young wild ox. The voice of the LORD hews out flames of fire. The voice of the LORD shakes the wilderness; The LORD shakes the wilderness of Kadesh. The voice of the LORD makes the deer to calve And strips the forests bare; And in His temple everything says, "Glory!