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Free From Shackles

It is prodigious what a simple song like "I've got my mind made up and I won't turn back..." can do to someone's heart, soul and mind.  Today i will tell you a story to redemption. 

Young, full of life and zealous to conquer, the world had a lot to offer him. In the process of growth, at a certain point we wanted to be "cool" even if it meant doing backflips and injuring your spinal cord, well not to that extreme but you get my point. Friends came and they came shining in glitter, loaded with gifts. Who doesn't like gifts? So, he stayed closer to the trees that rained bountifully. Here's the thing about friends,

Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3

We often adopt to a nature of the environment we stay in oftenly or in layman's language Show me your friends and i will tell you who you are. Look at Saul, "...When Saul and his servant arrived at Gibeah, a group of prophets met him. Then the Spirit of God rushed upon him, and he prophesied along with them. All those who had formerly known Saul and saw him prophesying with the prophets asked one another, “What has happened to the son of Kish? Is Saul also among the prophets?” 1 Samuel 10:11

In the midst of dancing with the "squad" he became a registered member in the tribe! Soaked in all the worldly pleasures and dancing to every tune It went from sniffling glue, to Khat then weed, then hello Alcohol, oh nice to meet you too cigarettes. Whew, what a combination right? A secret well hidden started speaking louder than Loud. At this point his health is detoriating and probably his body is crying, 'Give me a break' but no...adapted to the system, he couldn't stop!

And sooner than later he thought to himself,  i want to be muslim now so i can be rich like my muslim friends, i mean what do i have to lose yeah? With two feet, a smiling face, promises of just how rich he would be and a celebration from his rich friends he entered the boat...jumping in ecstacy!  You've probably done worse!

At this point you are thinking, he was too far gone. 

Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor His ear too dull to hear. Isaiah 59:1

He got to place where he was tired, worn out, bruised, broken, bleeding and crying 'God if you are real, if you are true remove me from this place." 

Have you ever reached a place where you are almost numb yet sensitive to everything?? Its almost like your mind is going crazy, the darkness around you is so dark but you have mastered your way around it, you don't even feel the pain no more. Tears in silence soon become your PhD and when the darkness becomes too loud and you can longer stand the screams and torture, you start praying hoping someone will show up and deliver you. Even if they show up with death its okay..

But God is a good God. His crying  got to a point where one day, he got to his room and knelt to do his islamic prayers and all he did instead of 'kuswali' was cry to the Almighty God to show himelf and deliver him. 

God will always use a man, and not just any man- He orders the steps of a righteous man. 

Tired and hopeful he meets his long time friend steve who coincidentally, is talking about God, and the Holy Spirit was working in him all the while to the point where he now wanted to get saved. Won't the Lord do it? In the process he meets Justus, a young pastor to whom he narrates his story. God will always lead you to someone with the grace to help you. The following Sunday he shows up at Precious Waters Ministries drenched in guilt and condemnation not sure if he should even be there. Feeling like the only sinner in the room

In his words,

"I heard this song, i've got my mind made up and i won't turn back and in that moment i knew it was the perfect day for me to be in church. I looked at the servant of God and he told me to cry out to God to save me and truth be told he came and saved me! Truly, there is a God in Precious Waters!"

Reuben shared this story for you out there walking in the same shoes, full of needles with your feet sore and bleeding: to tell you there is a hope for you in CHRIST. He came to set the captives free, it doesn't matter which pit you are in. In the darkest pits his light shines brighter!

 "My heart cries out to the youth,that they will know Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. You can be free from bondage and pain. Yes You Can!"

He did it for Reuben, He can do it For you... reach out and touch his garment. "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." 

God is retiring the old you to make room for the new you. Our God is Mighty to Save, his mercies are new every morning.

From a Drug Addict, Ex-Islam and more to A renewed mind in the Lord, Saved by His Blood and preaching the Gospel of Yawheh... GOD IS REAL

Whom the son sets free is free indeed.


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