Have you ever met someone or people and in those five or less minutes, you, already see what you think is right or wrong with them? More often we make the conclusion based on the physical appearance, the diction i mean, how often are they shrubbing? That hairstyle my good lord, and the shoes jeez!.. We humans have a whole lot to say all the time. The problem comes in when most of us christians are the busy bees who instead of making honey, we are more concerned in poisoning and stinging still vessels. The people who have forgotten too quickly the mercies of God and are now clothed with a PhD in pride and arrogance in disguise of humility and self righteouness. I will come back to you shortly!
When the Holy Spirit convicted me to write a post about loving the broken, i was moved deeply because that's something i can relate to but at the same time i deliberated about what to write,and then this happened...
Listen, there is a whole generation out there so broken, so wounded by everyone and everything to the point where they don't care to listen to the sound of hope or a future. Their wounds cut like a knife and their very presence comes with a cloud so dark, shivers can't resist. Most, have become numb to the silent whispers in the middle of the day and the head-splitting screams in the night - in this place nothing can break you anymore. To tell you the truth, it's comfortable here or atleast that's how it feels. Can you relate? For you reading this and does not relate you will soon enough.
We all have been bruised, broken and lost only the extremes are different and in this world of bruises, if there is one thing you dare not mention is God unless you are trying to start the World War 10. The only time God is mentioned is when jusifying a bad habit and this is the miused motto "only God can judge me" not because you know and believe the depth of what you are saying No! It's just a bytheway. At that point in your life, there is no God and if there is one, you seriously feel like you dont need him why? Where was He when...?
On this particular day, i am seated waiting to have my nails manicured already having visuals of how ridiculous I want them done- for y'all who know me know i like some Honey and all that Extra on my everything! In the midst of wandering through my mind and drinking some juice, one young man,doing manicure and sitting next to me, gives me his tablet and says, "Play me your music". I chuckled really because i thought he was messing why? The music playing was Hiphop and nothing close to the kind of music i was about to play! So here i am rejoicing that i finally don't have to listen to all the cursing and etc in the songs and at the same time wondering which music to play. Here is the thing that most of you christians don't know, you don't go playing a 1980 century gospel song to a 20 year old, who cares nothing to do with you and your God or where you go to church
So i ask tell him as if to warn him, just incase, that i only listen to gospel music. Honestly, i expect him to grab the tablet or add some sarcastic comment of "my taste" of music but he shrugs it off like wareva just play music!
Here I am looking at the people sorrounding me, and asking my helper, the Holy Spirit, how do i minister? Let me tell you a secret, the Holy Spirit is the REAL deal, he knows just how. Whether you have 20 piercings, yellow hair and a body full of tatoos He will still get you!The whole parlour now nodding to the music playing opened my eyes to understand, hear and know what the Holy Spirit was saying about each person.
Worth it by lecrae is now playing and i am watching this young man, because the pieces in him reminded me of me one time, and he begins to ask about this particular artist in this song. Has it ever happened to you? Where you look at someone and see shades of yourself in black and white? At this point i knew that song must have struck a nerve. Why?
Let me help you understand something, we young people don't ask questions about random things,
If it challenges our 'know it all status' we ask questions
if it convicts us, we want to know why,
If it makes us FEEL, this one we have to google and
If it makes sense or has key pointers of things in our lives, uhm, we either obsess or block
Slowly one question leads to another and we are now enjoying a conversation until he asks, "Where do you go to church...?" Everyone now eager to hear especially because, they could relate to one or two songs, turn their faces towards me and ofcourse in my jubilant state, i shout, "Would you like to come?"
In that moment, the already broken wall, was lifted back up as a defense mechanism, and here is the answer that followed
Watch Out For My Next Blog To Read The Next Part.....