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Yaaiiiy New Clothes...

Classy Yet Casual Wear For A Windy Day

The many days i have woken up, walked to my closet and murmured, 'I have nothing to wear today! Lord I need a wardrobe makeover' are countless. You know you are guilty too! It's like choosing what to eat, goodness gracious! Everytime i have to do it, it feels like am in a History test, seated on a thorny chair writing about the History of Tristan da Cunha - Is it just me? Almost every time you feel you need a wardrobe makeover is not because you seriously have nothing to wear but the mere fact of repeating the same type of clothes can become jaded. Truth be told, your extremely full wardrobe has a couple of new clothes you have never wore - Yet at the time of purchase, you couldn't do without them and besides you already had the perfect pair of shoes to match it with. What happened when you got home?

Or picture this, your friend calls you to take them shopping and while at it, your eyes are beholding the beauty of all these designer clothes, and you begin to think to yourself, "That watch would look good on me, I'd really love those red heels too, Oh wow, that dress would match my blue clutch..." And because your friend's breakfast was almost as delightful as two soft scrambled eggs, dotted with cheddar cheese; three juicy sausage patties, flecked with red pepper; two Belgian waffles, drizzled with Vermont-fresh maple syrup; oven-fried red potatoes, laced with bacon c'mon somebody, she tells you to pick whatever you like! This could be you but you ignored their call this morning...

As soon as you get home, in all excitement, you rush to your wardrobe to try match your new shoes. 10 selfies and 20 outfits later, you are tired and frustrated because no outfit seems to match. One Year down the line, the shoes are still as new because you couldn't bring yourself to wear them. Why? They simply don't match anything in your closet.

The old has gone, The NEW has come!

We are in a season where God is making all things New. He is clothing us with New garments, New Anointing, New Financial Levels, New Opportunities, New and deeper levels in his presence, New Divine connections, New grace, All things are being made new... Praise His Name!

What's happening is, God has given you this box with all these NEW clothes, shoes and treasures you can't begin to fathom. Joyfully and full of gratitude you take box home and begin to unpack! Slowly, you begin to realise a few things don't quite match. The shoes are so out of this world but they just don't match the red skirt, the slim-fit suit and the tie are elegant but you have no watch to wear it with, the clutch bag is so classy but too colorful, the money is half of what you need, the new job is more than you prayed for but, Lord i can't move to another county! And so on and so forth. Nothing seems not to have a BUT!

So here you are, with a box full of NEW but you have put it aside just like you did with every other thing before this.

Let me tell you why;-

You received the NEW from God, went home and tried fitting it with the OLD and nothing matched! Why should your old favorite match with God's New?He probably doesn't like your favorite!! Secondly, you received the NEW took your logic with it, and that's why it's just too colorful for you - the spirit of God can't even teach you New Fashion Trends because you know it all!!

The word of God does not say, the old has gone and the new has come so you can try fit the old with the new... No! Wait, Aren't you tired of receiving New things and not wearing them? You keep wondering why certain people seem to match up all they receive. Let me help you, Most of y'all christians miss out on the NEW things God has given you because you are too proud to die to the flesh! You simply can't and will not trust God to lead you through it, it's about what you like. That's why you will always go back to doing things the way you did them last season, try match up what you can, and, end up failing and then at 2 am in the morning you will be singing 'Do something new in my life lord' and 'I surrender'!!!

Every new thing comes with new angels to work with you, God has equipped them to match up what you need according to his time- all you need to do is Listen, Receive, Believe, Be Holy and Obey not Worry, Doubt, Receive Halfways and obey what works for you. To tell you another truth, the devil likes you here in cycles that lie to you- you are just a strong mind!! This is not the season for you to figure out how A will match up with b yet c is so little, He is the Alpha and Omega, the first and last, the beginning and the end.

You want to experience the full measure of this season? Kill the flesh!! Let go of the old habits, what you think you know and receive change, your mind be transformed and renewed.

TRUST in the Lord with ALL your heart and LEAN NOT on your own understanding; in all your ways ACKNOWLEDGE him and he will DIRECT your path. It doesn't say "Trust the Lord with half your heart, sometimes lean on your understanding of how purple will match yellow and in some of your ways acknowlege..."

This is a time and a season for you to enjoy the goodness of God: the treasures and the hidden riches of secret places so that you may know that HE is LORD.

Immerse yourself in the grandeur of his glory and worship him - and Let the TRUE worshippers arise.. Has he not done it over and over again?

The Blessing has already been released - but as long as you are busy pairing up the old with the new and doing what the spirit of God doesn't want you to do, you will keep going round a mountain that doesn't exist, cry and wonder why everyone else seems to be enjoying God. DECIDE

Where you are is your choice!

Fashion Tip

Masai Accesories will always match up with ANY outfit!


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