My opinion is "The most dangerous lies are the one's your mind likes to whisper when you are not looking!" The thin line between BELIEVE and LIE is the Holy Spirit.
The Devil is a Liar and so is his elders at least we can all agree to that. However, why do we trip for this punk? I mean, when i was growing up and my mama would say something like, "Don't cook your eggs with every utensil in my house or i don't want to see you sitting on your father's seat" For y'all that don't know, in every African home there was the Forbidden chair that we would all take advantage of when no one was home; Praise Yawheh! Anyway, when Mama would say something we would listen and the next time we wanted to cook eggs we would definitely remember her warning and stay true to the utensils used to make eggs Right?
With that example in mind, We all know the devil as a liar, but even with that TRUTH he still manages to come in your life to kill, steal and destroy. I find it hilariously stupid that; we know the Truth, we see the Truth but still it is easier believing the Lies!
Yet, He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created. James 1:8
Even i am amazed at my own inaneness!! Most Christians pretend to live under the illusion of "everything is perfect even when you know very well, the devil and his neighbors are having a party over your emotions, finances and every other good thing. I call it Pride!
*Side Note*
Honestly, conversations with some church folk be like:
"Praise the Lord Bianca"
"Amen Sister Dee. How are you?"
C'mon church, there is nothing wrong with saying i'm blessed okay? But please, don't choke in that chimney smoke with charcoal all over your face all in the name of putting up a front. You can be Blessed and Oppressed and maybe all you need to do is talk to someone and be lifted!! Y'all play too much.
So, on Monday morning, I woke up with a new hope, new strength, excited about life and especially for what God was and is doing in my life. I felt like i was clothed in these shimmering garments meant to get me where i was headed. There was just this new person inside of me who knew who God said she is and understood the depth of his voice. My day was going on great, i was humming and meditating on the goodness of the Lord, smiling all through, until noon!
The bible says,
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
In that moment, something changed, i allowed the understanding of my eyes to compromise and began to conform to my surroundings. By conform i mean- agree to anything but the spirit of God! The worship i was listening to wasn't appealing anymore because there was no revelation to it - for a moment i stopped walking in spirit and agreed to what the flesh was saying. I could hear what the Holy Spirit was saying but i chose not to... now that's sin!
By the time evening came, i was frustrated and drained in self-pity. To tell you the truth, Self-pity just shows how ungrateful you are to God. So yesterday at a gathering when Dad asked how many of us believe we have self-pity, i was low-key smiling to myself, because i had lived that lie on Monday.
Once i got to the house, i became real and began to have LOUD conversations with God! I wasn't crying or hysterical but i was angry and more angry at God for the things i thought he wasn't doing.
Why am i this... Why am i that... Why is this not happening for me..... why are you doing it for other people and not me.... am i such a bad person...? Oh, you said and you have not... i don't want to be in this place anymore blah blah blah. Boy, I vented and the devil was laughing at me with some tea to go with it!
God Is Not A Man To LIE
When i had said all my foolishness, I took a moment to hear what the Holy Spirit was saying to me, and to tell you the truth i just started prophesying to every situation i didn't like - If my neighbors heard me they must have thought, either i was on drugs or am just a crazy woman. Even after my prophesies, i still wasn't walking in his fullness, but because of His mercies, I am indeed a product of mercy, - God will always use a man!
He used someone close to my heart to show me the heart of God towards me. Ironically, in the morning a precious soul had texted me a powerful word of what God was saying to me. Not too long after guess who showed up? The Thief! And because i was not walking in spirit and in truth, i didn't connect the dots until this very moment when i am having a phone conversation with my friend and crying a river.
While on phone, The Holy Spirit said to me, "This is where i wanted you to be" I believe sometimes God will let you play yourself so that you learn.
I overcame.
Now, you can't fight what you don't know....
The devil does not fight his own, so as long as you have every current blowing your side, Rejoice Thy Latter Shall Be GREATER. I know it sounds ridiculous and impossible when i say it, but, of every miracle is a sacrifice and he is YAWHEH not the uncle that thinks you are useless or the friend that calls you ugly.
In my Monday experience, one thing i understood was God will never leave you nor forsake you and in every level, you have to become sensitive to the spirit of God. He is the thin line between lies and Truth.
God is making diamonds out of you, it is not the time for you to cave in or compare who's blessing is bigger than yours. Be thankful and honor God
Stop wasting time telling God what he should do and when he should do it, He is GOD, Alpha and Omega not your brother.
Embrace your journey, you are not where you are but IN HIS TIME...
Arise and Shine, Reject that devil called Self-pity, Pride and Arrogance, because as long as you are in that chair, there are blessings you won't enjoy.
Refuse To Be Satan's Bait, don't give him free meal tickets - Walk In Spirit and Truth How? HIS VOICE is your breakfast, lunch, dinner and any mid-breaks! Grow your relationship with God so that when another voice that's not his whispers, you will be quick to know.
As he is So Are You...
You are not Forgotten
You are Victorious
You are the Head and Not The Tail, Above Only
You are Love because he is Love
You will not Die
He will Fulfill that which he has said
You will live to enjoy the Goodness of The Lord in the Land of The Living
You are Favored
You are Beautiful
For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does
He is A God Of Time