Chile, have I been through it all or through it ALL? No really, at my age - I have been to a few countries of discomfort, taken a few rides on wavering boats, but God being my Father I made it!
I know I know, you are thinking I sound hysterical just like that auntie that’s always telling ghost stories of how life is cupped in whipped cream and coatings of white chocolate - Too sugary to believe!
But mine is a story of truth
Long, Long, Loooong ago, I mean decades ago - embellishment is the key to success, Fear Not. As i was saying, decades ago I had just joined boarding school, quickly landing myself in the list of the most tiny people in boarding school, clueless about life. What concerned me most at the time was the fact of not being home for 3 months. The feeling wasn’t all-negative; I was overwrought to the new experience of waking up without hearing my mum humming off- key tunes zealously - Nothing personal against you mum, I did miss your food though.
As I went on with my business, I quickly noticed a clique of friends who seemed to have gone to tuition classes on how to be famous because the class 7’s and 8’s seemed to know them, and this was a BIG DEAL! Why? It meant you was the queen of them all - I mean no queuing like everybody else, you get to chill with the seniors - it sounds injudicious right now but back then it meant being the cool kids on the block. The fresh prince of bel- air literally.
Sooner than later, I finally made it to the “Fame Club” but under different circumstances.
This was my job description in 2 points:
You shall wash my clothes, wipe my shoes, make my bed, wipe my tears, and do everything I want done - even if it means taking me to the lavatories. SIR YES SIR
You can’t mention this to anyone
Slavery trade had finally dawned on me folks!
I followed the rules to the latter ALL for NOTHING! I would cry, tears of pain - no matter how hard I shined the shoes or washed the cup I never made it to the level to hang out with the cool kids - My title remained the same! No Rewards.
In all manner of naivety I didn’t notice being noticed and sooner than later on “Good Morning America” I was the breaking news. Truth be told, that headline did bring me redemption and sanity. It took someone’s voice to wake me up from slumber
For a few months, I had lost my identity to become someone I was not just to “Fit In”. But did I really Fit- In or Fall Out?
Fit- In, do whatever they tell you to do to get to the top then along the way, you fall-out, lose yourself. If you are lucky to make it to the top, what mattered to you - no longer does and the people who held you down are nowhere to be found- somehow you managed to chase them away. So, what happens then?
Honey, do not be forced to become who you are not, to wear shoes you do not like or to do things so that they approve you to be their friend. GROW UP! They do not have to applaud you, cheer you or pave way for you to know you are worth.
Why did I allow myself to go through that process, I did not know my worth!
Why do you think you encounter people that use you and leave?
Why do you think you are always being rejected?
You are so used to being put down by people it has become your identity
It is so easy to believe the devil because you don’t need a relationship with him to discover his character. When he finds you empty, he the worst lie clothed in fading beauty until you fall for it- that’s why we have so many broken people.
With God, you have to spend time and build a relationship to know him! Why? He is not in the habit of lying it’s good for you because of the glamour when it is not!
Refuse to settle less than who God says you are child of God! But first know who you are! HOW?
Come Out amongst them and be ye separate
Someone’s voice delivered me from a situation that could have gone on until I completed my primary school. You are a VOICE away to breaking Free.
As long as you do not know who you are, the wind will blow you wherever it wishes and what happens when you fall on thorny bushes?
Oh, Treat people well, don't be a reason for breaking someone's spirit: BUILD!
A Good Name Is BETTER than Riches!