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It’s Different …

I was seated on top of the kitchen table top - don’t judge my lady-like behaviours please, we all know there is something attractive about that top deck which i have rounded up to childhood stigma - where in an African home there was no way you would do sit on a kitchen table unless you are trying to have your generation cut-off from existence or Is it just me? Anyway, around me were a few people who were having a conversation which I can't tell you what it was about because I have mastered the art of zoning out, and i must say It is absolutely magical - I can write a book for you if you are interested.

In that moment of being out of touch with the present world almost immediately, I heard words in my spirit - beautiful words, VERY beautiful and If there is one thing that makes my eyes sparkle are WORDS! Words are just breath-taking. Have you ever come across masterpieces that are sculptured so artistically , clothed in such depth, you can almost touch the words? The words I heard gave me a hunger so physical yet unknown that I can’t tell you of their existence. So, I lean over with the intent of hearing more, i felt the tangible presence that kept in a bubble somewhere but earth.

The stimulating bit was the more I wanted to listen; the more my mouth kept speaking the words - which quickly became a sweet melody. Remembering my previous bad habits where I have disregarded such magical moments from the lord, I was determined not to do it ever again. I took my phone, started recording in small whispers to avoid drawing attention to myself and in the midst of the breakthrough where the words were beginning to melt my heart; giving me the entire silent peaceful smiles and rays of sunshine, someone walked in the room shouting another person's name. I was startled for a minute like wow; where am I? Which country is this where people roar? Whatever happened to whispering?

What a warm welcome back to Planet Earth - Thank you Very Much!

For the rest of the day, all I thought about was that song and the depth of God’s artistic nature! It is superlative really: Meek Yet Enthralling - Unusual!!

After that day, I forgot all about it, never listened to the audio again and never sang the melody! Two or three week’s later, I was sitting in the office, finishing off a book I had been reading - our lights had just been cut-off, there was nothing left to do. I finished the book and started browsing my work notebook and 3 pages from the back page I saw a statement I had written one time “In the Midst Anything…” - This was a song title and since I was feeling the anointing to write, I opened the next page to write “ Sometimes...” then I stopped!

Thank You Lord for your Voice!

Immediately, I took my phone and went straight to my Voice Memo’s and saw the name “Rewrite…” that’s how I had saved the tune I had heard while sitting on that kitchen table. I play the audio and its strident, people are laughing and bellowing in between, yet somehow I was able to flow - Pen, paper, solitude and the Holy Spirit, we created the most beautiful melody I have ever written! I am not exaggerating. Thrilled i walked outside, recorded it afresh, shared it with a few of my friends and sat down waiting!

In my head, I was waiting for comments such as “ What a beautiful song, Wow, that’s a powerful song and so on...” Let me tell you something about God, His ways, His thoughts are nowhere close to your thoughts NO WHERE!!

The first comment came hours later and it read,

“You Sure Know How To Write Songs”

I cannot tell you whether I was more shocked or most displeased but what I can tell you I was not thrilled at all. I know you are looking at me weird already. It will make sense in a short while - sit tight!

The second comment from a different person came and it was more perturbing;

“ can be a songwriter too. At least you will not have to ask people to write for you.”

At this point i was at a loss for words, not because I was so amazed or ecstatic but of the mere fact that I was tucked in a cloud of slip-up and dramatic fury like Why is everyone missing the point of the audio?- Why?

Remember I had expectations of what I wanted to hear and that small fact clothed my ears from hearing what the lord needed me to hear at that particular time with that specific song. I was not offended NO; Far from it - I was SHOCKED!

It was a moment in history of "How Dare You People?"

I spent the next few hours wondering why I couldn’t see the depth in the comments, why they were so similar and why no one mentioned the reality I thought they would.

Did I figure it out? Yes and it took me more than 5 days which I must say, involved me forgetting the existence of the song Again!!

When I took the time to write this blog, that’s when I heard the intentions of my father’s heart. I read the first statement in my book without the intention of wanting to see it and there is when the eyes of my understanding.

Look at this closely:

I got the song in the most bizarre of environments where I mentioned the depth of the WORDS and just how captivating they were. Then I named the voice memo, “REWRITE” without intention. Days later I rewrite the song and the feedback comes in reference to the “WRITING”. Did you catch it?

Write, Words

The lord was reminding me of something very significant, in a different language and I could not see it. Notice they did not say the song was bad or it had no God in it but because that is what I was looking for I missed the voice of God in that season!

How often do you do that?

So last week when he gave me the title , “IT’S DIFFERENT”, it did not make sense until a specific time as this!

It cannot and will not be the same as someone else’s and just because it don’t come the way you wanted or close to it does not mean negativity.

See at that time, the voice of God was highlighting his gift in me from an unusual perspective for an unusual mind. It was an invitation to highlighting strength, diversity and meeting another side of his voice.

Be quick to learn and pick lessons from the things you disregard often. Why? God is always speaking to your critical mind, your ego, your distrust - you just have to open your ears to his world.

His intentions are very pure! Time and time I have learnt his ways and thoughts are not our thoughts! Most people will say, I haven’t heard God’s Voice yet you hear it more often than you think, the problem is you spend too much time in your head - you only pick what you are familiar with - YOUR VOICE.

When the Holy Spirit uses another voice in form of your friend or a stranger, your usual mind is so quick to take offence, block or disregard.

Isn’t He the same God that used A DONKEY?

Other times, you will be looking for what other people are experiencing so instead of seeing blue and gold as God is showing you; you choose to see sky blue and gold because Ashley saw blue and gold - then you will be mad at God when things go crazy.


The encounters you have will be different each time, the voice you hear will be different, it will keep changing depending on the season or level you are in.

Stop going back to old methods of how you hear God, How he speaks - It’s different every time - I repeat!

Don’t tie God in a box child of God - That is exactly why you are frustrated and praying prayers he already answered.

Don’t get sucked into your mind too long, open-up, the surface is always different. Be married to the lord like you would a physical being - spend time with him. What does he like? Does he laugh? How is he speaking to you? How often does it change?


Do not go looking for what or how you think it should be - Draw freedom and beauty!

That is who he is

It’s different…

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