Driving home the other day, I saw a young man skate on a very rough sidewalk very benevolently; with exceptional skill, he was overweening without meaning to especially to the rest of us who can’t move one leg without saying hello to the floor. The irony of this sight became my memory of a commitment I had made to enroll for skating classes, yet here we are in April with no effort made.
As I sat through the traffic inventing excuses to comfort myself for not taking me seriously and waning desolately, I was reminded of Jonathan McReynolds song MAKE ROOM
I find space for what I treasure, I make time for what I want, I choose my priorities and…
The truth behind those words can’t be contended be it in our walk with God, who we talk to, it really is what we chose to make room for that's valid.
Brings me to my title today “Gas leak”. When Gas starts leaking most times you find it takes people a bit of time to realize why? Because it doesn’t squelch like water - it is so inaudible and can cause staid damage. And that soundless leak is what is speaking so loud in the body of christ right now.
A natural gas leak can increase the risk of FIRE and EXPLOSION since it spreads quickly and combusts easily and what’s more interesting is, the smell is repulsive.
I know you are wondering why am taking so much time defining a gas leak instead getting straight to the point - Chile, I am trying to keep you reading for long - Yea go on Laugh it out because we are about to go arcane I ain’t sure you will be laughing through it.
Here's the Tangible Truth
You go to church, you want to prophesy and raise the dead, but as soon as Sunday is over, you don’t have time to spend with the same God you are trusting for power. No relationship, No intimacy . But you will be mad when everybody else is reaping! What do you want to reap exactly? When people were planting in prayer you were enjoying slumber and living your life - Being Holy is not your cup of coffee- I mean YOLO yea.
That’s not you? No? Okay, let’s try again
You are moving in the prophetic, seeing visions and all but what you see, you newscast it on Good Morning World, oh the lord done show me blah blah! Everybody has to walk on thin ice because you see!! You have become the best journalist in church without a degree. In fact, some people have threatened to leave church because of you. But that doesn’t even bother you! You have no Fear at all that the same God that gave you the gifts can take them.
Don't you realize He is HOLY to the core? The same God who created by speaking "Let there Be.." doesn't scare you?
Not you? Okay, lets try again
You go to church every Sunday looking for a word, you have so many promises over your life that are still hanging because the main problem is you are the star in Gossip Club. As matter of fact, you have formed a group that waits on your updates like the Wendy Williams show. You curse your own life with your own mouth as you speak evil of the righteous. Do you not know 7 things that the lord hates? You have your own church in the CHURCH. Jezebel begins to awaken!
Not You? Are You Sure? Shall we try again?
You know better than God especially where instructions are involved. You go to church, distrust everything, from the supernatural to who led worship, and how the seats are arranged but because God is Merciful to you and I, he comes and speaks a word to you and says something like SOW to the Ministry! That’s when Righteous Men of God suddenly "are being used of the devil to draw your pocket dry"
In rare cases will you come back to church and if you do, you will be the Evangelist on why sowing is demonic! “They using our money to buy cars and build houses, enriching themselves” “am always sowing and nothing come to pass, he don’t hear from God”… Those words have created a rope around your feet, you can't move forward
Shall I go on? To those who get mad when people receive a spiritual promotion? or the bitter one's who are always being hurt - every day they have to report, she did this they said that even when it is an illusion just so they can feel important?
We have to stop playing Church and be Fearful Of YAWHEH!
The hour has come where God shall not be mocked!
So many of you are leaking of gases that smell so bad because of how long they've been leaking, you have become venomous to self and everyone around you. It is so debauched and God has stopped revealing himself to you because of the damage you have caused the body - but because you are too self-righteous to repent and be fixed, you go on with life as if God is still with you, speaking to you. I hate to bust your bubble but the Glory lifted child of God. You have become stiff-necked! FLESH! FLESH! FLESH!
It is Wickeder than a haven of decaying compost full of Fib and libels and arrogance and more garbage. Seriously, the demonic is in church right next to you, smelling so bad but you have refused to deal with it. We hide it, pamper it, sleep with it...Check yourself
God is calling us to the hour of Humility and Holiness. Not level 1 Humility where its just flesh!
Humility that's flows in such Purity and death to self. You have to Die, Repent and Seek His face with fear and trembling. This has been heavy in my spirit concurrently, and I am telling you PLAY TIME is OVER.
God will not be MOCKED!
He is coming for the Righteous not for the Lukewarm or those walking in Flesh, causing chaos in the body and still pretending to walk with God. Time is Up!
You can’t serve God and Mock him and expect to Reap -NO! REPENT QUICKLY lest he comes and finds you are the Fig Tree that was found not bearing fruit? Be careful
And on the morrow, when they were come from Bethany, he was hungry:
13 And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet.
14 And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter forever. And his disciples heard it.
It is your choice, which Truth you chose to believe
Here’s my truth for you…
Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God who works in you to will and to act on behalf of His good pleasure…